class xmltv_parse {
static $file;
static $aliases;
static function schedule($id, $datetime=NULL) {
if($datetime === NULL) $datetime = time();
$dane = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents(self::$file));
$abc = $dane->xpath('programme[@channel=\''.$id.'\' and number(substring(@stop, 1, 12))>\''.date('YmdHi', $datetime).'\' and number(substring(@start, 1, 12))<\''.date('YmdHi', $datetime+(3600*24)).'\']');
$last = 0;
$concat = '';
foreach($abc as $value) {
$now = date('d.m.Y', strtotime(substr($value['start'], 0, -6)));
if($now != $last) {
if(!empty($concat)) GGapi::putRichText($concat);
GGapi::putRichText("\n".$now."\n", TRUE);
$last = $now;
$concat = '';
$concat .= date('H:i', strtotime(substr($value['start'], 0, -6))).' '.$value->title."\n";
if(!empty($concat)) GGapi::putRichText($concat);
static function aliases($tv = NULL) {
$tv = funcs::utfToAscii($tv);
$dane = file(self::$aliases);
$return = array();
foreach($dane as $line) {
$line = trim($line);
if(empty($line) OR substr($line, 0, 1)=='#')
$line = explode("\t", $line);
for($i=0; $i<count($line); $i++) {
if($tv !== NULL AND funcs::utfToAscii($line[$i]) == $tv) {
return $line[0];
$return[$line[$i]] = $line[0];
if($tv !== NULL) {
return FALSE;
return $return;
static function channels() {
$dane = file(self::$aliases);
$return = array();
foreach($dane as $nazwa) {
$nazwa = trim($nazwa);
if(empty($nazwa) OR substr($nazwa, 0, 1)=='#')
$return[] = strtok($nazwa, "\t\n");
return $return;