#set yrange [0:1]
set key left top
plot "aggregation.avg" every 4::0 using ($0 - 0.15):(column(colnum)):(column(colnum+1)) with yerrorbars lt 1 title "linear model", \
"aggregation.avg" every 4::0 using ($0 - 0.15):(column(colnum)) with lines lt 1 notitle, \
"aggregation.avg" every 4::1 using ($0 - 0.05):(column(colnum)):(column(colnum+1)) with yerrorbars lt 2 title "neural model (100 epochs)", \
"aggregation.avg" every 4::1 using ($0 - 0.05):(column(colnum)) with lines lt 2 notitle, \
"aggregation.avg" every 4::2 using ($0 + 0.05):(column(colnum)):(column(colnum+1)) with yerrorbars lt 3 title "neural model (200 epochs)", \
"aggregation.avg" every 4::2 using ($0 + 0.05):(column(colnum)) with lines lt 3 notitle, \
"aggregation.avg" every 4::3 using ($0 + 0.15):(column(colnum)):(column(colnum+1)) with yerrorbars lt 4 title "neural model (300 epochs)", \
"aggregation.avg" every 4::3 using ($0 + 0.15):(column(colnum)) with lines lt 4 notitle, \
"aggregation.avg" every 4::0 using 0:3:xticlabels(1) lc rgb "#FF000000" notitle
pause -1