mirror of https://github.com/jacekkow/keycloak-protocol-cas

2022-06-17 47a71316d7947f5e06c94e2af7386ae835dd2034
2022-03-23 Jacek Kowalski
Update github.pulls.create usage in update-deps workflow
tree@ 461e1c commitdiff
2022-03-04 Jacek Kowalski
Update to Keycloak 17.0.0
tree@ de93e7 commitdiff
2020-12-17 Jacek Kowalski
Allow manual run on update-deps.yml workflow
tree@ 56212d commitdiff
2020-12-17 Jacek Kowalski
Change workflow update-deps.yml not to use deprecated set-env command
tree@ 707bb4 commitdiff
2020-05-10 Jacek Kowalski
Use GitHub Actions to automatically create PR on Keycloak release
tree@ 478402 commitdiff
2020-05-10 Jacek Kowalski
Filter potentially dangerous input in GitHub Actions workflows
tree@ 4da0d9 commitdiff
2020-04-22 Jacek Kowalski
Replace Travis CI build with GitHub actions
tree@ fd0b0f commitdiff
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