From 9155810509e9cda6e0d696ae791d606222d761ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jacek Kowalski <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2019 20:23:55 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add stops "Brzegi Użytek Ekologiczny (nż)" and "Orzeszkowej"

 index.js |  695 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 1 files changed, 328 insertions(+), 367 deletions(-)

diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index 529ef98..f496856 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -1,25 +1,34 @@
-//var ttss_base = '';
-var ttss_base = '/proxy.php';
+'use strict';
 var ttss_refresh = 20000; // 20 seconds
-var stop_id;
+var page_title = document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0];
+var ignore_hashchange = false;
+var language = 'pl';
+var lang_select = document.getElementById('lang-select');
+var stop_id = '';
 var stop_name = document.getElementById('stop-name');
 var stop_name_form = stop_name.form;
 var stop_name_autocomplete = document.getElementById('stop-name-autocomplete');
 var stop_name_autocomplete_xhr;
+var stop_name_autocomplete_timer;
 var times_xhr;
 var times_timer;
+var times_stop_type = document.getElementById('times-stop-type');
 var times_stop_name = document.getElementById('times-stop-name');
 var times_alerts = document.getElementById('times-alerts');
 var times_table = document.getElementById('times-table');
-var times_lines = document.getElementById('times-lines');
+//var times_lines = document.getElementById('times-lines');
+var route_id;
 var route_xhr;
 var route_line = document.getElementById('route-line');
 var route_table = document.getElementById('route-table');
+var route_vehicle = document.getElementById('route-vehicle');
+var route_vehicle_info;
 var refresh_button = document.getElementById('refresh');
 var refresh_text = document.getElementById('refresh-text');
@@ -31,193 +40,8 @@
 var alert_close = document.getElementById('alert-close');
 var nav = document.getElementsByTagName('nav')[0];
-var parseStatusBoarding = '>>>';
-function parseStatus(status) {
-	switch(status.status) {
-		case 'STOPPING':
-			return parseStatusBoarding;
-		case 'PREDICTED':
-			if(status.actualRelativeTime <= 0)
-				return parseStatusBoarding;
-			if(status.actualRelativeTime >= 60)
-				return Math.floor(status.actualRelativeTime / 60) + ' min';
-			return status.actualRelativeTime + ' s';
-		case 'DEPARTED':
-			return Math.floor(-status.actualRelativeTime / 60) + ' min ago';
-		default:
-			return status.mixedTime;
-	}
-function parseTime(date, time) {
-	var result = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDay());
-	var time_split = time.split(':');
-	result.setHours(time_split[0]);
-	result.setMinutes(time_split[1]);
-	if(result.getTime() - date.getTime() > 72000000) {
-		result.setTime(result.getTime() - 86400000);
-	}
-	if(date.getTime() - result.getTime() > 72000000) {
-		result.setTime(result.getTime() + 86400000);
-	}
-	return result;
-function parseDelay(status) {
-	if(!status.actualTime) return '?';
-	if(!status.plannedTime) return '?';
-	var now = new Date();
-	var actual = parseTime(now, status.actualTime);
-	var planned = parseTime(now, status.plannedTime);
-	return ((actual.getTime() - planned.getTime()) / 1000 / 60) + ' min';
-function parseVehicle(vehicleId) {
-	if(!vehicleId) return;
-	if(vehicleId.substr(0, 15) != '635218529567218') {
-		console.log('Unknown vehicle, vehicleId=' + vehicleId);
-		return;
-	}
-	var id = parseInt(vehicleId.substr(15)) - 736;
-	var prefix;
-	var type;
-	var low; // low floor: 0 = no, 1 - semi, 2 - full
-	if(101 <= id && id <= 173) {
-		prefix = 'HW';
-		type = 'E1';
-		low = 0;
-		if((108 <= id && id <= 113) || id == 127 || id == 131 || id == 132 || id == 134 || (137 <= id && id <= 139) || (148 <= id && id <= 150) || (153 <= id && id <= 166) || id == 161) {
-			prefix = 'RW';
-		}
-	} else if(201 <= id && id <= 293) {
-		prefix = 'RZ';
-		type = '105Na';
-		low = 0;
-		if(246 <= id) {
-			prefix = 'HZ';
-		}
-		if(id == 290) {
-			type = '105Nb';
-		}
-	} else if(301 <= id && id <= 328) {
-		prefix = 'RF';
-		type = 'GT8S';
-		low = 0;
-		if(id == 313) {
-			type = 'GT8C'
-			low = 1;
-		}
-	} else if(401 <= id && id <= 440) {
-		prefix = 'HL';
-		type = 'EU8N';
-		low = 1;
-	} else if(451 <= id && id <= 462) {
-		prefix = 'HK';
-		type = 'N8S-NF';
-		low = 0;
-		if((451 <= id && id <= 453) || id == 462) {
-			type = 'N8C-NF';
-			low = 1;
-		}
-	} else if(601 <= id && id <= 650) {
-		prefix = 'RP';
-		type = 'NGT6 (3)';
-		low = 2;
-		if(id <= 613) {
-			type = 'NGT6 (1)';
-		} else if (id <= 626) {
-			type = 'NGT6 (2)';
-		}
-	} else if(801 <= id && id <= 824) {
-		prefix = 'RY';
-		type = 'NGT8';
-		low = 2;
-	} else if(id == 899) {
-		prefix = 'RY';
-		type = '126N';
-		low = 2;
-	} else if(901 <= id && id <= 936) {
-		prefix = 'RG';
-		type = '2014N';
-		low = 2;
-		if(915 <= id) {
-			prefix = 'HG';
-		}
-	} else if(id === 999) {
-		prefix = 'HX';
-		type = '405N-Kr';
-		low = 1;
-	} else {
-		console.log('Unknown vehicle, vehicleId=' + vehicleId + ', id=' + id);
-		return;
-	}
-	return {
-		vehicleId: vehicleId,
-		prefix: prefix,
-		id: id,
-		num: prefix + id,
-		type: type,
-		low: low
-	};
-function displayVehicle(vehicleInfo) {
-	if(!vehicleInfo) return document.createTextNode('');
-	var span = document.createElement('span');
-	span.className = 'vehicleInfo';
-	span.title = vehicleInfo.num + ' ' + vehicleInfo.type;
-	if(vehicleInfo.low == 0) {
-		setText(span, '\u25CB');
-		span.title += ' (high floor)';
-	} else if(vehicleInfo.low == 1) {
-		setText(span, '*\u267F');
-		span.title += ' (partially low floor)';
-	} else if(vehicleInfo.low == 2) {
-		setText(span, '\u267F');
-		span.title += ' (low floor)';
-	}
-	return span;
-function deleteChildren(element) {
-	while(element.lastChild) element.removeChild(element.lastChild);
-function addElementWithText(parent, element, text) {
-	var elem = document.createElement(element);
-	elem.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
-	parent.appendChild(elem);
-	return elem;
-function addCellWithText(parent, text) {
-	return addElementWithText(parent, 'td', text);
-function addParaWithText(parent, text) {
-	return addElementWithText(parent, 'p', text);
-function setText(element, text) {
-	deleteChildren(element);
-	element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
+var vehicle_data = document.getElementById('vehicle-data');
+var vehicle_data_style = document.getElementById('vehicle-data-style');
 function fail(message, more) {
 	if(times_timer) clearTimeout(times_timer);
@@ -225,20 +49,20 @@
 	setText(alert_text, message); = 'block';
-	console.log(message + ' More details follow.');
+	console.log(message + (more ? ' More details follow.' : ''));
 	if(more) console.log(more);
 function fail_ajax(data) {
 	// abort() is not a failure
-	if(data.readyState == 0 && data.statusText == 'abort') return;
+	if(data.readyState === 0) return;
-	if(data.status == 0) {
-		fail('Request failed - please check your network connectivity.', data);
+	if(data.status === 0) {
+		fail(lang.error_request_failed_connectivity, data);
 	} else if (data.statusText) {
-		fail('Internet request failed with error: ' + data.statusText + '.', data);
+		fail(lang.error_request_failed_status.replace('$status', data.statusText), data);
 	} else {
-		fail('Internet request failed.', data);
+		fail(lang.error_request_failed, data);
@@ -254,131 +78,9 @@
 	nav.className = nav.className.replace(' loading', '');
-function loadTimes(stopId = null, clearRoute = false) {
-	if(!stopId) stopId = stop_id;
-	if(!stopId) return;
-	if(times_timer) clearTimeout(times_timer);
-	if(times_xhr) times_xhr.abort();
-	refresh_button.removeAttribute('disabled');
-	loading_start();
-	times_xhr = $.get(
-		ttss_base + '/passageInfo/stopPassages/stop' 
-			+ '?stop=' + encodeURIComponent(stopId)
-			+ '&mode=departure'
-	).done(function(data) {
-		setText(times_stop_name, data.stopName);
-		deleteChildren(times_alerts);
-		deleteChildren(times_table);
-		deleteChildren(times_lines);
-		/*
-		if(clearRoute) {
-			deleteChildren(route_line);
-			deleteChildren(route_table);
-		}
-		*/
-		for(var i = 0, il = data.generalAlerts.length; i < il; i++) {
-			addParaWithText(times_alerts, data.generalAlerts[i]);
-		}
-		for(var i = 0, il = data.old.length; i < il; i++) {
-			var tr = document.createElement('tr');
-			addCellWithText(tr, data.old[i].patternText);
-			var dir_cell = addCellWithText(tr, data.old[i].direction);
-			dir_cell.appendChild(displayVehicle(parseVehicle(data.old[i].vehicleId)));
-			var status = parseStatus(data.old[i]);
-			addCellWithText(tr, status);
-			addCellWithText(tr, '');
-			tr.className = 'active';
-			times_table.appendChild(tr);
-		}
-		for(var i = 0, il = data.actual.length; i < il; i++) {
-			var tr = document.createElement('tr');
-			addCellWithText(tr, data.actual[i].patternText);
-			var dir_cell = addCellWithText(tr, data.actual[i].direction);
-			dir_cell.appendChild(displayVehicle(parseVehicle(data.actual[i].vehicleId)));
-			var status = parseStatus(data.actual[i]);
-			var status_cell = addCellWithText(tr, status);
-			var delay = parseDelay(data.actual[i]);
-			var delay_cell = addCellWithText(tr, delay);
-			if(status == parseStatusBoarding) {
-				tr.className = 'success';
-				status_cell.className = 'status-boarding';
-			} else if(parseInt(delay) > 9) {
-				tr.className = 'danger';
-				delay_cell.className = 'status-delayed';
-			} else if(parseInt(delay) > 3) {
-				tr.className = 'warning';
-			}
-			times_table.appendChild(tr);
-		}
-		for(var i = 0, il = data.routes.length; i < il; i++) {
-			var tr = document.createElement('tr');
-			addCellWithText(tr, data.routes[i].name);
-			addCellWithText(tr, data.routes[i].directions.join(' - '));
-			addCellWithText(tr, data.routes[i].authority);
-			/*
-			tr.addEventListener('click', function(routeId, routeTr){ return function(e) {
-				var trs = tr.parentNode;
-				for(var i = 0; i < trs.childNodes.length; i++) {
-					trs.childNodes[i].removeAttribute('class');
-				}
-				routeTr.className = 'warning';
-				if(route_xhr) route_xhr.abort();
-				route_xhr = $.get(
-					ttss_base + '/routeInfo/routeStops'
-						+ '?routeId=' + encodeURIComponent(routeId)
-				).done(function(data) {
-					setText(route_line, + ': '
-						+ data.route.directions.join(' - '));
-					deleteChildren(route_table);
-					routeTr.className = 'success';
-					for(var i = 0, il = data.stops.length; i < il; i++) {
-						var tr = document.createElement('tr');
-						addCellWithText(tr, data.stops[i].name);
-						route_table.appendChild(tr);
-					}
-				}).fail(fail_ajax);
-			}}(data.routes[i].id, tr));
-			*/
-			times_lines.appendChild(tr);
-			for(var j = 0, jl = data.routes[i].alerts.length; j < jl; j++) {
-				addParaWithText(
-					times_alerts,
-					'Line ' +  data.routes[i].name + ': '
-						+ data.routes[i].alerts[j]
-				);
-			}
-		}
-		startTimer(new Date());
-		fail_hide();
-		times_timer = setTimeout(function(){ loadTimes(); }, ttss_refresh);
-	}).fail(fail_ajax).always(loading_end);
-function declinate(num, singular, plural) {
-	if(num == 1) return num + ' ' + singular;
-	return num + ' ' + plural;
 function startTimer(date) {
 	if(date) {
-		setText(refresh_text, 'Last refreshed: just now')
+		setText(refresh_text, lang.last_refreshed.replace('$time', lang.time_now));
 		refresh_time = date;
 	if(!refresh_time) return;
@@ -395,76 +97,335 @@
 		var ms = now.getTime() - refresh_time.getTime();
 		if(ms >= 120000) {
-			setText(refresh_text, 'Last refreshed: '
-				+ declinate(Math.floor(ms / 60000), 'minute ago', 'minutes ago'));
+			setText(refresh_text, lang.last_refreshed.replace(
+				'$time',
+				lang.time_minutes_ago_prefix + Math.floor(ms / 60000)
+					+ lang.time_minutes_ago_suffix
+			));
 		} else {
-			setText(refresh_text, 'Last refreshed: '
-				+ declinate(Math.floor(ms / 1000), 'second ago', 'seconds ago'));
+			setText(refresh_text, lang.last_refreshed.replace(
+				'$time',
+				lang.time_seconds_ago_prefix + Math.floor(ms / 1000)
+					+ lang.time_seconds_ago_suffix
+			));
 	}, interval);
-var decodeEntitiesTextArea = document.createElement('textarea');
-function decodeEntities(text) {
-	decodeEntitiesTextArea.innerHTML = text;
-	return decodeEntitiesTextArea.value;
+function loadRoute(tripId, vehicleInfo) {
+	if(!tripId) tripId = route_id;
+	if(!tripId) return;
+	if(vehicleInfo === undefined) vehicleInfo = route_vehicle_info;
+	console.log('loadRoute(' + tripId + ')');
+	var prefix = tripId.substr(0, 1);
+	var trip = tripId.substr(1);
+	route_id = tripId;
+	route_vehicle_info = vehicleInfo;
+	if(route_xhr) route_xhr.abort();
+	route_xhr = $.get(
+		ttss_urls[prefix] + '/services/tripInfo/tripPassages'
+			+ '?tripId=' + encodeURIComponent(trip)
+			+ '&mode=departure'
+	).done(function(data) {
+		if(!data.routeName || !data.directionText || data.old.length + data.actual.length == 0) {
+			route_id = null;
+			return;
+		}
+		setText(route_line, data.routeName + ' ' + data.directionText);
+		deleteChildren(route_vehicle);
+		if(vehicleInfo) {
+			var span = displayVehicle(vehicleInfo);
+			if(span) {
+				setText(route_vehicle, span.title);
+			}
+			route_vehicle.insertBefore(span, route_vehicle.firstChild);
+		}
+		deleteChildren(route_table);
+		var all_departures = data.old.concat(data.actual);
+		var tr;
+		for(var i = 0, il = all_departures.length; i < il; i++) {
+			tr = document.createElement('tr');
+			addCellWithText(tr, all_departures[i].actualTime || all_departures[i].plannedTime);
+			addCellWithText(tr, all_departures[i].stop_seq_num + '. ' + all_departures[i];
+			if(i < data.old.length) {
+				tr.className = 'active';
+			} else if(all_departures[i].status === 'STOPPING') {
+				tr.className = 'success';
+			}
+			tr.addEventListener('click', function(stopId){ return function(){ loadTimes(stopId); } }(prefix + all_departures[i].stop.shortName) );
+			route_table.appendChild(tr);
+		}
+	}).fail(fail_ajax);
+	return route_xhr;
-function init() {
-	if(!window.jQuery) {
-		fail('Required JavaScript jQuery library failed to load. You may try refreshing the page.');
+function loadTimes(stopId) {
+	if(!stopId) stopId = stop_id;
+	if(!stopId) return;
+	if(times_timer) clearTimeout(times_timer);
+	if(times_xhr) times_xhr.abort();
+	console.log('loadTimes(' + stopId + ')');
+	loading_start();
+	var prefix = stopId.substr(0, 1);
+	var stop = stopId.substr(1);
+	var url = ttss_urls[prefix];
+	stop_id = stopId;
+	ignore_hashchange = true;
+	window.location.hash = '#!' + language + stopId;
+	refresh_button.removeAttribute('disabled');
+	var alternative_stop = null;
+	var candidate;
+	for(var i = 0; i < stop_name_autocomplete.options.length; i++) {
+		candidate = stop_name_autocomplete.options[i].value;
+		if(candidate.substr(0, 1) != prefix && candidate.substr(1) == stop) {
+			alternative_stop = candidate;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	times_xhr = $.get(
+		url + '/services/passageInfo/stopPassages/stop'
+			+ '?stop=' + encodeURIComponent(stop)
+			+ '&mode=departure'
+	).done(function(data) {
+		setText(times_stop_type, lang.types['s' + prefix]);
+		setText(times_stop_name, normalizeName(data.stopName));
+		setText(page_title, lang.page_title_stop_name.replace('$stop', normalizeName(data.stopName)));
+		deleteChildren(times_alerts);
+		deleteChildren(times_table);
+		//deleteChildren(times_lines);
+		if(alternative_stop !== null) {
+			var a = addParaWithText(times_alerts, '');
+			a = addElementWithText(a, 'a', (prefix == 'b' ? lang.departures_for_trams : lang.departures_for_buses));
+			a.href = '';
+			a.onclick = function(e) {
+				e.preventDefault();
+				loadTimes(alternative_stop);
+			};
+		}
+		var i, il;
+		for(i = 0, il = data.generalAlerts.length; i < il; i++) {
+			addParaWithText(times_alerts, data.generalAlerts[i].title);
+		}
+		var all_departures = data.old.concat(data.actual);
+		var tr, dir_cell, vehicle, status, status_cell, delay, delay_cell;
+		for(i = 0, il = all_departures.length; i < il; i++) {
+			tr = document.createElement('tr');
+			addCellWithText(tr, all_departures[i].patternText);
+			dir_cell = addCellWithText(tr, all_departures[i].direction);
+			vehicle = parseVehicle(prefix + all_departures[i].vehicleId);
+			dir_cell.appendChild(displayVehicle(vehicle));
+			addCellWithText(tr, (vehicle ? vehicle.num : '')).className = 'vehicleData';
+			status = parseStatus(all_departures[i]);
+			status_cell = addCellWithText(tr, status);
+			delay = parseDelay(all_departures[i]);
+			delay_cell = addCellWithText(tr, delay);
+			if(i < data.old.length) {
+				tr.className = 'active';
+			} else if(all_departures[i].status === 'STOPPING') {
+				tr.className = 'success';
+				if (all_departures[i].actualRelativeTime <= 0) {
+					status_cell.className = 'status-boarding';
+				}
+			} else if(parseInt(delay) > 9) {
+				tr.className = 'danger';
+				delay_cell.className = 'status-delayed';
+			} else if(parseInt(delay) > 3) {
+				tr.className = 'warning';
+			}
+			tr.addEventListener('click', function(tripId, vehicleInfo) {
+				return function(){ loadRoute(tripId, vehicleInfo); }
+			}(prefix + all_departures[i].tripId, vehicle));
+			times_table.appendChild(tr);
+		}
+		/*
+		for(var i = 0, il = data.routes.length; i < il; i++) {
+			var tr = document.createElement('tr');
+			addCellWithText(tr, data.routes[i].name);
+			addCellWithText(tr, data.routes[i].directions.join(' - '));
+			addCellWithText(tr, data.routes[i].authority);
+			times_lines.appendChild(tr);
+		}
+		*/
+		startTimer(new Date());
+		fail_hide();
+		times_timer = setTimeout(function(){ loadTimes(); loadRoute(); }, ttss_refresh);
+	}).fail(fail_ajax).always(loading_end);
+	return times_xhr;
+function translate() {
+	var elements = document.querySelectorAll('*[data-translate]');
+	var text_name;
+	for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
+		text_name = elements[i].dataset.translate;
+		if(typeof lang[text_name] === 'undefined') {
+			console.log('Missing translation: ' + text_name);
+			continue;
+		}
+		setText(elements[i], lang[text_name]);
+	}
+	stop_name.setAttribute('placeholder', lang.stop_name_placeholder);
+	if(stop_name_autocomplete.value) {
+		setText(refresh_text, lang.select_stop_click_go);
+	} else {
+		setText(refresh_text, lang.enter_stop_name_to_begin);
+	}
+	setText(page_title, lang.page_title);
+	if(!stop_id) return;
+	loadTimes();
+	loadRoute();
+function change_language(lang) {
+	if(!lang || lang.length != 2) return false;
+	if(lang == language) return false;
+	lang_select.value = lang;
+	if(!lang_select.value) {
+		lang_select.value = language;
+		return;
+	}
+	language = lang;
+	var old_script = document.getElementById('lang_script');
+	var old_version = old_script.src.match(/\?v[0-9]+/)[0];
+	var script = document.createElement('script');
+	script.type = 'text/javascript';
+	script.src = 'lang_' + lang + '.js' + (old_version ? old_version : '');
+ = 'lang_script';
+	script.onload = translate;
+	document.body.removeChild(old_script);
+	document.body.appendChild(script);
+	ignore_hashchange = true;
+	window.location.hash = '#!' + language + stop_id;
+	return true;
+function hash() {
+	if(ignore_hashchange) {
+		ignore_hashchange = false;
-	$.ajaxSetup({
-		dataType: 'json',
-		timeout: 3000,
-	});
-	stop_name.addEventListener('input', function(e) {
-		if(!stop_name.value) return;
-		if(stop_name_autocomplete_xhr) stop_name_autocomplete_xhr.abort();
+	var stop;
+	if(window.location.hash.match(/^#![0-9]+$/)) {
+		loadTimes('t' + window.location.hash.substr(2));
+	} else if(window.location.hash.match(/^#![bt][0-9]+$/)) {
+		loadTimes(window.location.hash.substr(2));
+	} else if(window.location.hash.match(/^#![a-z]{2}[0-9]*$/)) {
+		stop = window.location.hash.substr(4);
+		if(stop) stop_id = 't' + stop;
-		stop_name_autocomplete_xhr = $.get(
-			ttss_base + '/lookup/autocomplete/json'
-				+ '?query=' + encodeURIComponent(stop_name.value)
-		).done(function(data) {
-			deleteChildren(stop_name_autocomplete);
-			for(var i = 1, il = data.length; i < il; i++) {
-				if(data[i].id > 6000) continue;
-				var opt = document.createElement('option');
-				opt.value = data[i].id;
-				setText(opt, decodeEntities(data[i].name));
-				stop_name_autocomplete.appendChild(opt);
-			}
-			if(!stop_id) setText(refresh_text, 'Select the stop and click "Go"');
-		}).fail(fail_ajax);
+		if(!change_language(window.location.hash.substr(2, 2))) {
+			loadTimes();
+		}
+	} else if(window.location.hash.match(/^#![a-z]{2}[bt][0-9]*$/)) {
+		stop = window.location.hash.substr(4);
+		if(stop) stop_id = stop;
+		if(!change_language(window.location.hash.substr(2, 2))) {
+			loadTimes();
+		}
+	}
+function stop_autocomplete() {
+	if(stop_name_autocomplete_xhr) stop_name_autocomplete_xhr.abort();
+	stop_name_autocomplete_xhr = $.get(
+		'stops/?query=' + encodeURIComponent(stop_name.value)
+	).done(function(data) {
+		deleteChildren(stop_name_autocomplete);
+		for(var i = 0, il = data.length; i < il; i++) {
+			var opt = document.createElement('option');
+			opt.value = data[i].id;
+			setText(opt, lang.select_stop_type[data[i].id.substr(0,1)].replace('$stop', data[i].name));
+			stop_name_autocomplete.appendChild(opt);
+		}
+		if(!stop_id) setText(refresh_text, lang.select_stop_click_go);
+	}).fail(fail_ajax);
+	return stop_name_autocomplete_xhr;
+function init() {
+	lang_select.addEventListener('input', function() {
+		change_language(lang_select.value);
-	setText(refresh_text, 'Enter the stop name to begin');
+	stop_name.addEventListener('input', function() {
+		if(!stop_name.value) return;
+		if(stop_name_autocomplete_timer) clearTimeout(stop_name_autocomplete_timer);
+		stop_name_autocomplete_timer = setTimeout(stop_autocomplete, 100);
+	});
+	setText(refresh_text, lang.enter_stop_name_to_begin);
 	stop_name_form.addEventListener('submit', function(e) {
 		if(!stop_name_autocomplete.value) return;
-		stop_id = stop_name_autocomplete.value;
-		window.location.hash = '#!' + stop_id;
-		loadTimes(stop_id, true);
+		loadTimes(stop_name_autocomplete.value);
-	refresh_button.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
-		loadTimes(stop_id);
+	refresh_button.addEventListener('click', function() {
+		loadTimes();
+		loadRoute();
-	alert_close.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
+	alert_close.addEventListener('click', function() { = 'none';
-	if(window.location.hash.match(/^#![0-9]+$/)) {
-		stop_id = parseInt(window.location.hash.slice(2));
-		loadTimes(stop_id);
-	}
+	vehicle_data.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
+		e.preventDefault();
+ = 'none';
+		setText(vehicle_data_style, '.vehicleData { display: table-cell; }')
+	});
+	updateVehicleInfo()
+	hash();
+	window.addEventListener('hashchange', hash);
+	checkVersionInit();

Gitblit v1.9.1