From fe3a6775bf81682eff2a34e8acebf0e66d03fa8f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jacek Kowalski <>
Date: Sat, 06 Jul 2019 15:30:24 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Set imgSize for SVG icons to increase OpenLayers compatibility

 index.html |  453 +++++++++-----------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 379 deletions(-)

diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index c3363ec..f2e1c86 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -1,90 +1,77 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html>
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+		<title>TTSS Kraków - Odjazdy tramwajów na żywo</title>
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-							<input type="text" class="form-control form-round-left" id="stop-name" placeholder="Stop name" />
+							<input type="text" class="form-control form-round-left" id="stop-name" placeholder="Nazwa przystanku" autofocus="autofocus" />
 						<select class="form-control" id="stop-name-autocomplete">
 						<span class="input-group-btn">
-							<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Go</button>
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+				<strong data-translate="error_title">Wystąpił błąd!</strong> <span id="alert-text"></span>
 			<div class="row">
 				<div class="col-md-6">
-					<h2 id="times-stop-name"></h2>
+					<h2 id="times-stop"><small id="times-stop-type"></small><br /><span id="times-stop-name"></span></h2>
 					<div id="times-alerts"></div>
 					<table class="table table-striped table-condensed">
-								<th>Line</th>
-								<th>Direction</th>
-								<th>Time</th>
-								<th>Delay</th>
+								<th data-translate="header_line">Linia</th>
+								<th>
+									<span data-translate="header_direction">Kierunek</span>
+									<a id="vehicle-data" data-translate="header_vehicle">Pojazd</a>
+								</th>
+								<th data-translate="header_vehicle" class="vehicleData">Pojazd</th>
+								<th data-translate="header_time">Czas</th>
+								<th data-translate="header_delay">Opóźn.</th>
 						<tbody id="times-table">
@@ -92,356 +79,64 @@
 				<div class="col-md-6">
-					<h3>Lines</h3>
+					<!--
+					<h3 data-translate="header_lines">Linie</h3>
 					<table class="table table-condensed">
-								<th>Line</th>
-								<th>Route</th>
-								<th>Carrier</th>
+								<th data-translate="header_line">Linia</th>
+								<th data-translate="header_route">Trasa</th>
+								<th data-translate="header_carrier">Przewoźnik</th>
 						<tbody id="times-lines">
+					-->
-					<!--
+					<p data-translate="help_click_for_schedule">Kliknij na wpis w tabeli odjazdów by zobaczyć rozkład jazdy danego pojazdu.</p>
 					<h3 id="route-line"></h3>
+					<p id="route-vehicle"></p>
 					<table class="table table-condensed">
-								<th>Stop</th>
+								<th data-translate="header_time">Czas</th>
+								<th data-translate="header_stop">Przystanek</th>
 						<tbody id="route-table">
-					-->
+					<p class="small">
+						<span data-translate="help_legend">Legenda:</span>
+						<span class="label bg-active" data-translate="status_departed">Odjechał</span>
+						<span class="label bg-success" data-translate="status_stopped">Na przystanku</span>
+						<span class="label bg-default" data-translate="status_default">W trasie</span>
+						<span class="label bg-warning" data-translate="status_delayed_4">Opóźniony 4′+</span>
+						<span class="label bg-danger" data-translate="status_delayed_10">Opóźniony 10′+</span>
+					</p>
+					<p class="small">
+						<span class="bigger" title="Bombardier NGT6, Bombardier NGT8, PESA 2014N Krakowiak, Newag Nevelo 126N" data-translate="low_floor_sign">&#x267F;</span> - <span data-translate="low_floor_description">pojazd niskopodłogowy</span>.
+						<span class="bigger" title="Düwag/Man/MPK N8C-NF, Düwag/MPK GT8C, Bombardier-Rotax/MPK EU8N, Protram 405N-Kr" data-translate="partially_low_floor_sign">*&#x267F;</span> - <span data-translate="partially_low_floor_description">pojazd częściowo niskopodłogowy</span>.
+						<span class="bigger" title="other tram types" data-translate="high_floor_sign">&#x2010;</span> - <span data-translate="high_floor_description">pojazd wysokopodłogowy</span>.
+						<span data-translate="help_hover_for_more">Najedź na ikonę, by uzyskać więcej informacji.</span>
+					</p>
+					<p class="small" data-translate="help_text">Względne czasy (np. 3 min) są podawane na podstawie faktycznej lokalizacji pojazdów. Czasy bezwzględne (np. 8:01) to odjazdy rozkładowe, pokazywane gdy pojazd nie może być zlokalizowany. "?" oznacza nieznane opóźnienie.</p>
+					<p class="small">&copy; 2016-2019 Jacek Kowalski - <a href="" data-translate="help_source">Źródło</a> - <a href="" data-translate="help_license">Licencja</a></p>
-		<script src="" integrity="sha384-3ceskX3iaEnIogmQchP8opvBy3Mi7Ce34nWjpBIwVTHfGYWQS9jwHDVRnpKKHJg7"  crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
-		<script type="text/javascript">
-			//var ttss_base = '';
-			var ttss_base = '/proxy.php';
-			var ttss_refresh = 20000; // 20 seconds
-			var stop_id;
-			var stop_name = document.getElementById('stop-name');
-			var stop_name_form = stop_name.form;
-			var stop_name_autocomplete = document.getElementById('stop-name-autocomplete');
-			var stop_name_autocomplete_xhr;
-			var times_xhr;
-			var times_timer;
-			var times_stop_name = document.getElementById('times-stop-name');
-			var times_alerts = document.getElementById('times-alerts');
-			var times_table = document.getElementById('times-table');
-			var times_lines = document.getElementById('times-lines');
-			/*
-			var route_xhr;
-			var route_line = document.getElementById('route-line');
-			var route_table = document.getElementById('route-table');
-			*/
-			var refresh_button = document.getElementById('refresh');
-			var refresh_text = document.getElementById('refresh-text');
-			var refresh_time;
-			var refresh_timer;
-			var alert = document.getElementById('alert');
-			var alert_text = document.getElementById('alert-text');
-			var alert_close = document.getElementById('alert-close');
-			function parseStatus(status) {
-				switch(status.status) {
-					case 'STOPPING':
-						return '<<<';
-					case 'PREDICTED':
-						if(status.actualRelativeTime <= 0)
-							return '<<<';
-						if(status.actualRelativeTime >= 60)
-							return Math.floor(status.actualRelativeTime / 60) + ' min';
-						return status.actualRelativeTime + ' s';
-					case 'DEPARTED':
-						return Math.floor(-status.actualRelativeTime / 60) + ' min ago';
-					default:
-						return status.mixedTime;
-				}
-			}
-			function parseTime(date, time) {
-				var result = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDay());
-				var time_split = time.split(':');
-				result.setHours(time_split[0]);
-				result.setMinutes(time_split[1]);
-				if(result.getTime() - date.getTime() > 72000000) {
-					result.setTime(result.getTime() - 86400000);
-				}
-				if(date.getTime() - result.getTime() > 72000000) {
-					result.setTime(result.getTime() + 86400000);
-				}
-				return result;
-			}
-			function parseDelay(status) {
-				if(!status.actualTime) return '?';
-				if(!status.plannedTime) return '?';
-				var now = new Date();
-				var actual = parseTime(now, status.actualTime);
-				var planned = parseTime(now, status.plannedTime);
-				return ((actual.getTime() - planned.getTime()) / 1000 / 60) + ' min';
-			}
-			function deleteChildren(element) {
-				while(element.lastChild) element.removeChild(element.lastChild);
-			}
-			function addElementWithText(parent, element, text) {
-				var elem = document.createElement(element);
-				elem.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
-				parent.appendChild(elem);
-				return elem;
-			}
-			function addCellWithText(parent, text) {
-				addElementWithText(parent, 'td', text);
-			}
-			function addParaWithText(parent, text) {
-				addElementWithText(parent, 'p', text);
-			}
-			function setText(element, text) {
-				deleteChildren(element);
-				element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
-			}
-			function fail(message, more) {
-				if(refresh_timer) clearInterval(refresh_timer);
-				if(times_timer) clearTimeout(times_timer);
-				setText(alert_text, message);
- = 'block';
-				console.log(message + ' More details follow.');
-				if(more) console.log(more);
-			}
-			function fail_ajax(data) {
-				// abort() is not a failure
-				if(data.readyState == 0 && data.statusText == 'abort') return;
-				if(data.status == 0) {
-					fail('Request failed - please check your network connectivity.', data);
-				} else if (data.statusText) {
-					fail('Internet request failed with error: ' + data.statusText + '.', data);
-				} else {
-					fail('Internet request failed.', data);
-				}
-			}
-			function loadTimes(stopId = null, clearRoute = false) {
-				if(!stopId) stopId = stop_id;
-				if(!stopId) return;
-				if(times_timer) clearTimeout(times_timer);
-				if(times_xhr) times_xhr.abort();
-				refresh_button.removeAttribute('disabled');
-				times_xhr = $.get(
-					ttss_base + '/passageInfo/stopPassages/stop' 
-						+ '?stop=' + encodeURIComponent(stopId)
-						+ '&mode=departure'
-				).done(function(data) {
-					setText(times_stop_name, data.stopName);
-					deleteChildren(times_alerts);
-					deleteChildren(times_table);
-					deleteChildren(times_lines);
-					/*
-					if(clearRoute) {
-						deleteChildren(route_line);
-						deleteChildren(route_table);
-					}
-					*/
-					for(var i = 0, il = data.generalAlerts.length; i < il; i++) {
-						addParaWithText(times_alerts, data.generalAlerts[i]);
-					}
-					for(var i = 0, il = data.old.length; i < il; i++) {
-						var tr = document.createElement('tr');
-						addCellWithText(tr, data.old[i].patternText);
-						addCellWithText(tr, data.old[i].direction);
-						var status = parseStatus(data.old[i]);
-						addCellWithText(tr, status);
-						addCellWithText(tr, '');
-						tr.className = 'active';
-						times_table.appendChild(tr);
-					}
-					for(var i = 0, il = data.actual.length; i < il; i++) {
-						var tr = document.createElement('tr');
-						addCellWithText(tr, data.actual[i].patternText);
-						addCellWithText(tr, data.actual[i].direction);
-						var status = parseStatus(data.actual[i]);
-						addCellWithText(tr, status);
-						var delay = parseDelay(data.actual[i]);
-						addCellWithText(tr, delay);
-						if(status == '<<<') tr.className = 'success';
-						else if(parseInt(delay) > 9) tr.className = 'danger';
-						else if(parseInt(delay) > 3) tr.className = 'warning';
-						times_table.appendChild(tr);
-					}
-					for(var i = 0, il = data.routes.length; i < il; i++) {
-						var tr = document.createElement('tr');
-						addCellWithText(tr, data.routes[i].name);
-						addCellWithText(tr, data.routes[i].directions.join(' - '));
-						addCellWithText(tr, data.routes[i].authority);
-						/*
-						tr.addEventListener('click', function(routeId, routeTr){ return function(e) {
-							var trs = tr.parentNode;
-							for(var i = 0; i < trs.childNodes.length; i++) {
-								trs.childNodes[i].removeAttribute('class');
-							}
-							routeTr.className = 'warning';
-							if(route_xhr) route_xhr.abort();
-							route_xhr = $.get(
-								ttss_base + '/routeInfo/routeStops'
-									+ '?routeId=' + encodeURIComponent(routeId)
-							).done(function(data) {
-								setText(route_line, + ': '
-									+ data.route.directions.join(' - '));
-								deleteChildren(route_table);
-								routeTr.className = 'success';
-								for(var i = 0, il = data.stops.length; i < il; i++) {
-									var tr = document.createElement('tr');
-									addCellWithText(tr, data.stops[i].name);
-									route_table.appendChild(tr);
-								}
-							}).fail(fail_ajax);
-						}}(data.routes[i].id, tr));
-						*/
-						times_lines.appendChild(tr);
-						for(var j = 0, jl = data.routes[i].alerts.length; j < jl; j++) {
-							addParaWithText(
-								times_alerts,
-								'Line ' +  data.routes[i].name + ': '
-									+ data.routes[i].alerts[j]
-							);
-						}
-					}
-					startTimer(new Date());
-					times_timer = setTimeout(function(){ loadTimes(); }, ttss_refresh);
-				}).fail(fail_ajax);
-			}
-			function declinate(num, singular, plural) {
-				if(num == 1) return num + ' ' + singular;
-				return num + ' ' + plural;
-			}
-			function startTimer(date) {
-				if(date) {
-					setText(refresh_text, 'Last refreshed: just now')
-					refresh_time = date;
-				}
-				if(!refresh_time) return;
-				if(refresh_timer) clearInterval(refresh_timer);
-				var now = new Date();
-				var ms = now.getTime() - refresh_time.getTime();
-				var interval = 1000;
-				if(ms >= 120000) interval = 60000;
-				refresh_timer = setInterval(function() {
-					var now = new Date();
-					var ms = now.getTime() - refresh_time.getTime();
-					if(ms >= 120000) {
-						setText(refresh_text, 'Last refreshed: '
-							+ declinate(Math.floor(ms / 60000), 'minute ago', 'minutes ago'));
-						startTimer();
-					} else {
-						setText(refresh_text, 'Last refreshed: '
-							+ declinate(Math.floor(ms / 1000), 'second ago', 'seconds ago'));
-					}
-				}, interval);
-			}
-			function init() {
-				if(!window.jQuery) {
-					fail('Required JavaScript jQuery library failed to load. You may try refreshing the page.');
-					return;
-				}
-				$.ajaxSetup({
-					dataType: 'json',
-					timeout: 3000,
-				});
-				stop_name.addEventListener('input', function(e) {
-					if(!stop_name.value) return;
-					if(stop_name_autocomplete_xhr) stop_name_autocomplete_xhr.abort();
-					stop_name_autocomplete_xhr = $.get(
-						ttss_base + '/lookup/autocomplete/json'
-							+ '?query=' + encodeURIComponent(stop_name.value)
-					).done(function(data) {
-						deleteChildren(stop_name_autocomplete);
-						for(var i = 1, il = data.length; i < il; i++) {
-							var opt = document.createElement('option');
-							opt.value = data[i].id;
-							opt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(data[i].name));
-							stop_name_autocomplete.appendChild(opt);
-						}
-						if(!stop_id) setText(refresh_text, 'Select the stop and click "Go"');
-					}).fail(fail_ajax);
-				});
-				setText(refresh_text, 'Enter the stop name to begin');
-				stop_name_form.addEventListener('submit', function(e) {
-					e.preventDefault();
-					if(!stop_name_autocomplete.value) return;
-					stop_id = stop_name_autocomplete.value;
-					loadTimes(stop_id, true);
-				});
-				refresh_button.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
-					loadTimes(stop_id);
-				});
-				alert_close.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
- = 'none';
-				});
-			}
-			init();
-		</script>
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