<?php class BotMsgException extends Exception {} interface BotMsgInterface { function __construct(BotMsg $msg); function __toString(); function sendPullResponse(); } class BotMsg { private $beautiful = TRUE; private $parser = NULL; private $html = NULL; private $text = NULL; private $raw = ''; /** * Włącza lub wyłącza "upiększanie" konwertowanej do czystego tekstu wiadomości, np.: * <b>abc</b> zamieniane jest na *abc* * <h1>efg</h1> przechodzi w = efg = * Domyślnie włączone * @param bool $set Ustawienie "upiększania" */ function beautifulText($set = FALSE) { $this->beautiful = (bool)$set; } /** * Konstruktor. De facto alias dla {@link BotMsg::append()} */ function __construct($str = NULL) { if($str !== NULL) { $this->append($str); } } /** * Serializacja klasy wymaga zapisania tylko niektórych elementów */ function __sleep() { return array('beautiful', 'raw'); } /** * Alias dla {@link BotMsg::append()} */ function a($str) { $this->append($str); } /** * Dodaje kod HTML na koniec wiadomości * @param string $str Treść do dodania */ function append($str) { $this->text = $this->html = $this->parser = NULL; $this->raw .= (string)$str; } /** * Zwraca wiadomość jako czysty tekst * @return string Wiadomość */ function getText() { if($this->text === NULL) { $this->text = trim($this->parseTextDOM($this->getParser()->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0))); } return $this->text; } /** * Zwraca wiadomość jako kod HTML * @return string Wiadomość */ function getHTML() { if($this->html === NULL) { $doc = $this->getParser(); $this->parseHTMLDOM( $doc->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0) ); $this->html = $doc->saveXML( $doc->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0) ); } return (string)substr($this->html, 6, -7); } /** * Zwraca treść wiadomości zapisaną przy użyciu {@link BotMsg::append()} bez żadnych modyfikacji * @return string Oryginalna wiadomość */ function getRaw() { return $this->raw; } /** * Zwraca wiadomość jako kod HTML * @return string Wiadomość */ function __toString() { return $this->getHTML(); } /** * Zwraca kopię drzewa DOM wiadomości * @return DOMDocument Wiadomość */ function getParser() { if($this->parser === NULL) { $this->parser = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); try { $this->parser->loadHTML('<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body>'.$this->raw.'</body></html>'); } catch(ErrorException $e) { if($e->getSeverity() != E_WARNING) { throw $e; } } foreach($this->parser->getElementsByTagName('a') as $node) { if(!$node->hasAttribute('href')) { $node->setAttribute('href', $node->textContent); } } } return $this->parser->cloneNode(TRUE); } private function parseTextDOM($dom) { if(!($dom instanceof DOMElement)) { throw new BotMsgException('Nieznany element DOM: '.get_class($dom)); } $return = ''; foreach($dom->childNodes as $node) { if($node instanceof DOMText || $node instanceof DOMEntity) { $return .= strtr($node->nodeValue, array("\n" => '', "\r" => '')); } elseif($node instanceof DOMElement) { switch(strtolower($node->tagName)) { case 'b': case 'strong': $return .= ($this->beautiful ? '*' : '').$this->parseTextDOM($node).($this->beautiful ? '*' : ''); break; case 'u': $return .= ($this->beautiful ? '_' : '').$this->parseTextDOM($node).($this->beautiful ? '_' : ''); break; case 'i': $return .= ($this->beautiful ? '/' : '').$this->parseTextDOM($node).($this->beautiful ? '/' : ''); break; case 'br': $return .= "\n"; break; case 'p': if(substr($return, -1) != "\n") { $return .= "\n\n"; } $return .= $this->parseTextDOM($node)."\n\n"; break; case 'h1': if(substr($return, -1) != "\n") { $return .= "\n\n"; } $return .= ($this->beautiful ? '= ' : '').$this->parseTextDOM($node).($this->beautiful ? ' =' : '')."\n"; break; case 'h2': if(substr($return, -1) != "\n") { $return .= "\n\n"; } $return .= ($this->beautiful ? '== ' : '').$this->parseTextDOM($node).($this->beautiful ? ' ==' : '')."\n"; break; case 'h3': if(substr($return, -1) != "\n") { $return .= "\n\n"; } $return .= ($this->beautiful ? '=== ' : '').$this->parseTextDOM($node).($this->beautiful ? ' ===' : '')."\n"; break; case 'td': $return .= $this->parseTextDOM($node)."\t"; break; case 'th': $return .= ($this->beautiful ? '*' : '').$this->parseTextDOM($node).($this->beautiful ? '*' : '')."\t"; break; case 'tr': $return .= $this->parseTextDOM($node)."\n"; break; case 'a': $return .= $this->parseTextDOM($node); if($node->getAttribute('href') != $node->textContent) { $return .= ' ('.$node->getAttribute('href').')'; } break; case 'script': case 'style': case 'img': break; default: $return .= $this->parseTextDOM($node); break; } } else { throw new BotMsgException('Nieznany element DOM: '.get_class($node)); } } return $return; } private function parseHTMLDOM($dom) { if(!($dom instanceof DOMNode)) { throw new BotMsgException('Nieznany element DOM: '.get_class($dom)); } foreach($dom->childNodes as $node) { if($node instanceof DOMElement) { if($node->hasAttribute('color')) { $color = trim($node->getAttribute('color')); $node->removeAttribute('color'); if(substr($color, 0, 1)=='#' AND (strlen($color)==4 OR strlen($color)==7) AND ctype_xdigit(substr($color, 1))) { $node->setAttribute('style', 'color:'.$color.';'.$node->getAttribute('style')); } } $this->parseHTMLDOM($node); } } } } ?>