#!/bin/bash set -e function docker_tag_exists() { REGISTRY_URL="https://quay.io/v2/$1/manifests/$2" curl -fsSLI "$REGISTRY_URL" > /dev/null } setup_git() { git config --global user.email "updater@travis-ci.org" git config --global user.name "Updater Bot" git remote add origin-auth https://${GH_TOKEN}@github.com/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}.git > /dev/null 2>&1 } pull_request() { curl -fsSL -H "Authorization: token ${GH_TOKEN}" -X POST -d "{\"head\":\"$1\",\"base\":\"master\",\"title\":\"$2\",\"body\":\"$3\"}" "https://api.github.com/repos/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}/pulls" } KEYCLOAK_VERSION=$(mvn versions:display-property-updates -DincludeProperties=keycloak.version | grep "keycloak.version" | sed -nr "s/.*->\s*([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9])$/\1/p") if [ -z "$KEYCLOAK_VERSION" ]; then echo "No Keycloak update found." exit fi echo "Keycloak version $KEYCLOAK_VERSION available; updating..." BRANCH=feature/keycloak-update-$KEYCLOAK_VERSION if git ls-remote -q --exit-code origin $BRANCH; then echo "Branch $BRANCH already exists." exit fi if ! docker_tag_exists keycloak/keycloak $KEYCLOAK_VERSION; then echo "Docker image for Keycloak $KEYCLOAK_VERSION not found, not updating." exit fi echo "Found updated docker image, proceeding" mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=$KEYCLOAK_VERSION -DgenerateBackupPoms=false sed -i "s/KEYCLOAK_VERSION=.*/KEYCLOAK_VERSION=$KEYCLOAK_VERSION/" .travis.yml setup_git git checkout -b $BRANCH git add pom.xml .travis.yml git commit -m "Update to Keycloak $KEYCLOAK_VERSION" git push --quiet --set-upstream origin-auth $BRANCH PR_TITLE="Update to Keycloak $KEYCLOAK_VERSION" PR_BODY="Updates Keycloak dependency, CI test image and project version for Keycloak release $KEYCLOAK_VERSION\\n\\n*(automated pull request after upstream release)*" pull_request $BRANCH "$PR_TITLE" "$PR_BODY" echo "Created pull request '$PR_TITLE'"