# uphpCAS Simple PHP library for CAS authentication [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jacekkow/uphpCAS.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/jacekkow/uphpCAS) ## Introduction This library intends to be a replacement for overly complex [phpCAS](https://wiki.jasig.org/display/casc/phpcas) library. It only supports basic [CAS protocol](http://jasig.github.io/cas/4.0.x/protocol/CAS-Protocol.html), without proxying capabilities, which is enough for website authentication. ## Usage ### Composer 1. Add jacekkow/uphpcas dependency: ```bash composer require jacekkow/uphpcas ``` 1. Include autoloader in your application: ```php authenticate(); echo 'Authenticated as '.$user->user; } catch(Exception $e) { echo 'Jasig authentication failed: '.$e->getMessage(); die(); } ``` ### Login and logout pages index.php: ```php isAuthenticated()) { $user = $cas->authenticate(); echo 'Authenticated as '.$user->user; } else { echo 'Not authenticated. Log in'; } ``` login.php: ```php authenticate(); header('Location: index.php'); } catch(Exception $e) { echo 'Jasig authentication failed: '.$e->getMessage(); die(); } ``` logout.php: ```php logout(); } catch(Exception $e) { echo 'Jasig authentication failed: '.$e->getMessage(); die(); } ``` ## Common issues ### Invalid redirection from CAS server By default uphpCAS tries to guess correct URL to pass to CAS server as a "service" parameter using values from $_SERVER superglobal (see getCurrentUrl() method). This URL is used by CAS server to redirect user back to the application after successful CAS login. If this guess is incorrect, eg. when the server is behind proxy, you can override it using setServiceUrl() method: ```php $cas = new uphpCAS('https://cas.server.local/cas'); $cas->setServiceUrl('https://service.local/subpage'); ``` or second argument of the constructor: ```php $cas = new uphpCAS('https://cas.server.local/cas'), 'https://service.local/subpage'); ``` ### HTTP POST issues The standard method of passing "ticket" from CAS server to application is by HTTP GET method. To avoid having additional "ticket" parameter in the URL on single-page apps, which can expire and cause uphpCAS to throw exception, this library uses POST method by default. You can change the method back to HTTP GET with setMethod(): ```php $cas = new uphpCAS('https://cas.server.local/cas'); $cas->setMethod('GET'); ``` ### CAS over HTTPS This library enforces CAS certificate validation. The hostname of the CAS server must match the one in provided SSL certificate. Also the certificate must be signed by CA included in CA store (or self-signed - then the certificate itself must be included). By default it looks for CA store at: - /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt - /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt - /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt You can change path to CA store file using setCaFile() method: ```php $cas = new uphpCAS('https://cas.server.local/cas'); $cas->setCaFile('./localStore.pem'); ```