commit | author | age
1 |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
EH |
2 |
<schema targetNamespace="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion" xmlns="" elementFormDefault="unqualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.1"> |
3 |
<import namespace="" schemaLocation=""/> |
4 |
<annotation> |
5 |
<documentation> |
6 |
Document identifier: oasis-sstc-saml-schema-assertion-1.1 |
7 |
Location: |
8 |
Revision history: |
9 |
V1.0 (November, 2002): |
10 |
Initial standard schema. |
11 |
V1.1 (September, 2003): |
12 |
* Note that V1.1 of this schema has the same XML namespace as V1.0. |
13 |
Rebased ID content directly on XML Schema types |
14 |
Added DoNotCacheCondition element and DoNotCacheConditionType |
15 |
</documentation> |
16 |
</annotation> |
17 |
<simpleType name="DecisionType"> |
18 |
<restriction base="string"> |
19 |
<enumeration value="Permit"/> |
20 |
<enumeration value="Deny"/> |
21 |
<enumeration value="Indeterminate"/> |
22 |
</restriction> |
23 |
</simpleType> |
24 |
<element name="AssertionIDReference" type="NCName"/> |
25 |
<element name="Assertion" type="saml:AssertionType"/> |
26 |
<complexType name="AssertionType"> |
27 |
<sequence> |
28 |
<element ref="saml:Conditions" minOccurs="0"/> |
29 |
<element ref="saml:Advice" minOccurs="0"/> |
30 |
<choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
31 |
<element ref="saml:Statement"/> |
32 |
<element ref="saml:SubjectStatement"/> |
33 |
<element ref="saml:AuthenticationStatement"/> |
34 |
<element ref="saml:AuthorizationDecisionStatement"/> |
35 |
<element ref="saml:AttributeStatement"/> |
36 |
</choice> |
37 |
<element ref="ds:Signature" minOccurs="0"/> |
38 |
</sequence> |
39 |
<attribute name="MajorVersion" type="integer" use="required"/> |
40 |
<attribute name="MinorVersion" type="integer" use="required"/> |
41 |
<attribute name="AssertionID" type="ID" use="required"/> |
42 |
<attribute name="Issuer" type="string" use="required"/> |
43 |
<attribute name="IssueInstant" type="dateTime" use="required"/> |
44 |
</complexType> |
45 |
<element name="Conditions" type="saml:ConditionsType"/> |
46 |
<complexType name="ConditionsType"> |
47 |
<choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
48 |
<element ref="saml:AudienceRestrictionCondition"/> |
49 |
<element ref="saml:DoNotCacheCondition"/> |
50 |
<element ref="saml:Condition"/> |
51 |
</choice> |
52 |
<attribute name="NotBefore" type="dateTime" use="optional"/> |
53 |
<attribute name="NotOnOrAfter" type="dateTime" use="optional"/> |
54 |
</complexType> |
55 |
<element name="Condition" type="saml:ConditionAbstractType"/> |
56 |
<complexType name="ConditionAbstractType" abstract="true"/> |
57 |
<element name="AudienceRestrictionCondition" type="saml:AudienceRestrictionConditionType"/> |
58 |
<complexType name="AudienceRestrictionConditionType"> |
59 |
<complexContent> |
60 |
<extension base="saml:ConditionAbstractType"> |
61 |
<sequence> |
62 |
<element ref="saml:Audience" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
63 |
</sequence> |
64 |
</extension> |
65 |
</complexContent> |
66 |
</complexType> |
67 |
<element name="Audience" type="anyURI"/> |
68 |
<element name="DoNotCacheCondition" type="saml:DoNotCacheConditionType"/> |
69 |
<complexType name="DoNotCacheConditionType"> |
70 |
<complexContent> |
71 |
<extension base="saml:ConditionAbstractType"/> |
72 |
</complexContent> |
73 |
</complexType> |
74 |
<element name="Advice" type="saml:AdviceType"/> |
75 |
<complexType name="AdviceType"> |
76 |
<choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
77 |
<element ref="saml:AssertionIDReference"/> |
78 |
<element ref="saml:Assertion"/> |
79 |
<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/> |
80 |
</choice> |
81 |
</complexType> |
82 |
<element name="Statement" type="saml:StatementAbstractType"/> |
83 |
<complexType name="StatementAbstractType" abstract="true"/> |
84 |
<element name="SubjectStatement" type="saml:SubjectStatementAbstractType"/> |
85 |
<complexType name="SubjectStatementAbstractType" abstract="true"> |
86 |
<complexContent> |
87 |
<extension base="saml:StatementAbstractType"> |
88 |
<sequence> |
89 |
<element ref="saml:Subject"/> |
90 |
</sequence> |
91 |
</extension> |
92 |
</complexContent> |
93 |
</complexType> |
94 |
<element name="Subject" type="saml:SubjectType"/> |
95 |
<complexType name="SubjectType"> |
96 |
<choice> |
97 |
<sequence> |
98 |
<element ref="saml:NameIdentifier"/> |
99 |
<element ref="saml:SubjectConfirmation" minOccurs="0"/> |
100 |
</sequence> |
101 |
<element ref="saml:SubjectConfirmation"/> |
102 |
</choice> |
103 |
</complexType> |
104 |
<element name="NameIdentifier" type="saml:NameIdentifierType"/> |
105 |
<complexType name="NameIdentifierType"> |
106 |
<simpleContent> |
107 |
<extension base="string"> |
108 |
<attribute name="NameQualifier" type="string" use="optional"/> |
109 |
<attribute name="Format" type="anyURI" use="optional"/> |
110 |
</extension> |
111 |
</simpleContent> |
112 |
</complexType> |
113 |
<element name="SubjectConfirmation" type="saml:SubjectConfirmationType"/> |
114 |
<complexType name="SubjectConfirmationType"> |
115 |
<sequence> |
116 |
<element ref="saml:ConfirmationMethod" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
117 |
<element ref="saml:SubjectConfirmationData" minOccurs="0"/> |
118 |
<element ref="ds:KeyInfo" minOccurs="0"/> |
119 |
</sequence> |
120 |
</complexType> |
121 |
<element name="SubjectConfirmationData" type="anyType"/> |
122 |
<element name="ConfirmationMethod" type="anyURI"/> |
123 |
<element name="AuthenticationStatement" type="saml:AuthenticationStatementType"/> |
124 |
<complexType name="AuthenticationStatementType"> |
125 |
<complexContent> |
126 |
<extension base="saml:SubjectStatementAbstractType"> |
127 |
<sequence> |
128 |
<element ref="saml:SubjectLocality" minOccurs="0"/> |
129 |
<element ref="saml:AuthorityBinding" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
130 |
</sequence> |
131 |
<attribute name="AuthenticationMethod" type="anyURI" use="required"/> |
132 |
<attribute name="AuthenticationInstant" type="dateTime" use="required"/> |
133 |
</extension> |
134 |
</complexContent> |
135 |
</complexType> |
136 |
<element name="SubjectLocality" type="saml:SubjectLocalityType"/> |
137 |
<complexType name="SubjectLocalityType"> |
138 |
<attribute name="IPAddress" type="string" use="optional"/> |
139 |
<attribute name="DNSAddress" type="string" use="optional"/> |
140 |
</complexType> |
141 |
<element name="AuthorityBinding" type="saml:AuthorityBindingType"/> |
142 |
<complexType name="AuthorityBindingType"> |
143 |
<attribute name="AuthorityKind" type="QName" use="required"/> |
144 |
<attribute name="Location" type="anyURI" use="required"/> |
145 |
<attribute name="Binding" type="anyURI" use="required"/> |
146 |
</complexType> |
147 |
<element name="AuthorizationDecisionStatement" type="saml:AuthorizationDecisionStatementType"/> |
148 |
<complexType name="AuthorizationDecisionStatementType"> |
149 |
<complexContent> |
150 |
<extension base="saml:SubjectStatementAbstractType"> |
151 |
<sequence> |
152 |
<element ref="saml:Action" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
153 |
<element ref="saml:Evidence" minOccurs="0"/> |
154 |
</sequence> |
155 |
<attribute name="Resource" type="anyURI" use="required"/> |
156 |
<attribute name="Decision" type="saml:DecisionType" use="required"/> |
157 |
</extension> |
158 |
</complexContent> |
159 |
</complexType> |
160 |
<element name="Action" type="saml:ActionType"/> |
161 |
<complexType name="ActionType"> |
162 |
<simpleContent> |
163 |
<extension base="string"> |
164 |
<attribute name="Namespace" type="anyURI"/> |
165 |
</extension> |
166 |
</simpleContent> |
167 |
</complexType> |
168 |
<element name="Evidence" type="saml:EvidenceType"/> |
169 |
<complexType name="EvidenceType"> |
170 |
<choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
171 |
<element ref="saml:AssertionIDReference"/> |
172 |
<element ref="saml:Assertion"/> |
173 |
</choice> |
174 |
</complexType> |
175 |
<element name="AttributeStatement" type="saml:AttributeStatementType"/> |
176 |
<complexType name="AttributeStatementType"> |
177 |
<complexContent> |
178 |
<extension base="saml:SubjectStatementAbstractType"> |
179 |
<sequence> |
180 |
<element ref="saml:Attribute" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
181 |
</sequence> |
182 |
</extension> |
183 |
</complexContent> |
184 |
</complexType> |
185 |
<element name="AttributeDesignator" type="saml:AttributeDesignatorType"/> |
186 |
<complexType name="AttributeDesignatorType"> |
187 |
<attribute name="AttributeName" type="string" use="required"/> |
188 |
<attribute name="AttributeNamespace" type="anyURI" use="required"/> |
189 |
</complexType> |
190 |
<element name="Attribute" type="saml:AttributeType"/> |
191 |
<complexType name="AttributeType"> |
192 |
<complexContent> |
193 |
<extension base="saml:AttributeDesignatorType"> |
194 |
<sequence> |
195 |
<element ref="saml:AttributeValue" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
196 |
</sequence> |
197 |
</extension> |
198 |
</complexContent> |
199 |
</complexType> |
200 |
<element name="AttributeValue" type="anyType"/> |
201 |
</schema> |