common.php | ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history | |
composer.json | ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history | |
lib/fetch.php | ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history | |
lib/mapper.php | ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history | |
lib/vehicle_types.php | ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history | |
parse.php | ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history | | | ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history |
@@ -1,109 +1,2 @@ <?php function numToType($id, $data, $defaultLow=NULL) { $data = explode("\n", trim($data)); foreach($data as $line) { $line = explode("\t", trim($line)); if((int)$line[0] <= (int)$id && (int)$id <= (int)$line[1]) { return [ 'num' => $line[2] . str_pad($id, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 'type' => $line[3], 'low' => isset($line[4]) ? $line[4] : $defaultLow, ]; } } return []; } function numToTypeT($id) { $data = <<<'END' 101 107 HW E1 0 108 113 RW E1 0 114 126 HW E1 0 127 127 RW E1 0 128 130 HW E1 0 131 132 RW E1 0 133 133 HW E1 0 134 134 RW E1 0 135 136 HW E1 0 137 139 RW E1 0 140 147 HW E1 0 148 150 RW E1 0 151 152 HW E1 0 153 153 RW E1 0 154 154 HW E1 0 155 155 RW E1 0 156 158 HW E1 0 159 159 RW E1 0 160 174 HW E1 0 201 245 RZ 105N 0 246 299 HZ 105N 0 301 312 RF GT8S 0 313 313 RF GT8C 1 314 322 RF GT8S 0 323 323 RF GT8N 1 324 324 RF GT8S 0 325 328 RF GT8N 1 401 440 HL EU8N 1 451 456 HK N8C-NF 0 457 461 HK N8S-NF 1 462 462 HK N8C-NF 0 601 614 RP NGT6 (1) 2 615 626 RP NGT6 (2) 2 627 650 RP NGT6 (3) 2 801 824 RY NGT8 2 899 899 RY 126N 2 901 914 RG 2014N 2 915 936 HG 2014N 2 999 999 HG 405N 1 END; return numToType($id, $data); } function numToTypeB($id) { $data = <<<'END' 2 4 DN Solaris Urbino 18 IV Electric 71 83 BH Solaris Urbino 18 III Hybrid 84 96 BH Volvo 7900A Hybrid 103 105 PA Mercedes-Benz 516 106 112 DA Autosan M09LE 113 121 BA Autosan M09LE 122 128 DA Autosan M09LE 129 139 BA Autosan M09LE 141 146 PM MAN NL283 Lion's City 200 200 DO Mercedes Conecto 206 210 PO Mercedes O530 C2 Hybrid 211 218 DO Mercedes O530 219 243 PO Mercedes O530 C2 Hybrid 244 269 DO Mercedes O530 C2 270 299 BO Mercedes O530 C2 301 338 DU Solaris Urbino 12 IV 339 340 BU Solaris Urbino 12 IV 341 345 DU Solaris Urbino 12 III 400 403 BH Solaris Urbino 12,9 III Hybrid 404 408 DH Solaris Urbino 12,9 III Hybrid 501 510 BR Solaris Urbino 18 IV 511 568 DR Solaris Urbino 18 IV 569 579 BR Solaris Urbino 18 IV 580 595 DR Solaris Urbino 18 IV 601 601 DE Solaris Urbino 12 III Electric 602 605 DE Solaris Urbino 8,9LE Electric 606 606 DE Solaris Urbino 12 III Electric 607 623 DE Solaris Urbino 12 IV Electric 700 700 DC Mercedes Conecto G 701 731 DC Mercedes O530G 732 732 DC Mercedes Conecto G 737 741 BR Solaris Urbino 18 III 742 745 DR Solaris Urbino 18 III 746 764 PR Solaris Urbino 18 III 765 768 DR Solaris Urbino 18 III 769 776 PR Solaris Urbino 18 MetroStyle 777 777 DR Solaris Urbino 18 III 778 797 PR Solaris Urbino 18 IV 851 903 BU Solaris Urbino 12 III 904 905 DU Solaris Urbino 12 III 906 926 BU Solaris Urbino 12 III 927 976 PU Solaris Urbino 12 III 977 977 DU Solaris Urbino 12 III 978 991 PU Solaris Urbino 12 IV 992 997 BU Solaris Urbino 12 IV END; return numToType($id, $data, 2); } require_once(__DIR__.'/lib/vehicle_types.php'); composer.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ { "require": { "google/gtfs-realtime-bindings": "^0.0.2" "google/gtfs-realtime-bindings": "^0.0.2", "monolog/monolog": "^1.24" } } lib/fetch.php
New file @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ <?php function ftp_fetch_if_newer($url, $file = NULL) { $url = parse_url($url); if(!isset($url['scheme']) || $url['scheme'] != 'ftp') { throw new Exception('Only FTP URLs are supported'); } if(!isset($url['host'])) { throw new Exception('Hostname not present in the URL'); } if(!isset($url['path'])) { throw new Exception('Path component not present in the URL'); } if(!isset($url['port'])) { $url['port'] = 21; } if(!isset($url['user'])) { $url['user'] = 'anonymous'; } if(!isset($url['pass'])) { $url['pass'] = ''; } if($file == NULL) { $file = basename($url['path']); } $localTime = -1; $localSize = -1; if(is_file($file)) { $localTime = filemtime($file); $localSize = filesize($file); } $ftp = ftp_connect($url['host'], $url['port'], 10); if($ftp === FALSE) { throw new Exception('FTP connection failed'); } if(!ftp_login($ftp, $url['user'], $url['pass'])) { throw new Exception('FTP login failed'); } if(!ftp_pasv($ftp, TRUE)) { throw new Exception('Passive FTP request failed'); } $remoteSize = ftp_size($ftp, $url['path']); if($remoteSize < 0) { throw new Exception('FTP file size fetch failed'); } $remoteTime = ftp_mdtm($ftp, $url['path']); if($remoteTime < 0) { throw new Exception('FTP modification time fetch failed'); } $updated = FALSE; if($localSize != $remoteSize || $localTime < $remoteTime) { if(file_exists($file.'.tmp')) { unlink($file.'.tmp'); } if(ftp_get($ftp, $file.'.tmp', $url['path'], FTP_BINARY)) { touch($file.'.tmp', $remoteTime); if(!rename($file.'.tmp', $file)) { throw new Exception('Temporary file rename failed'); } $updated = TRUE; } } ftp_close($ftp); return $updated; } function fetch($url, $file = NULL) { if($file == NULL) { $file = basename($url['url']); } $data = file_get_contents($url); if($data === FALSE) { throw new Exception('URL fetch failed'); } if(file_put_contents($file.'.tmp', $data) === FALSE) { throw new Exception('Temporary file creation failed'); } if(!rename($file.'.tmp', $file)) { throw new Exception('Temporary file rename failed'); } } lib/mapper.php
New file @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ <?php require_once(__DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'); require_once(__DIR__.'/vehicle_types.php'); use transit_realtime\FeedMessage; class Mapper { private $jsonTrips = []; private $gtfsTrips = []; private $logger = NULL; private $specialNames = [ 'Zjazd do zajezdni', 'Przejazd techniczny', 'Wyjazd na trasÄ™', ]; public function __construct() { $this->logger = new Monolog\Logger(__CLASS__); } public static function convertTripId($tripId) { $tripId = explode('_', $tripId); if($tripId[0] != 'block') return; if($tripId[2] != 'trip') return; return 4096 * (int)$tripId[1] + (int)$tripId[3]; } public function loadTTSS($file) { $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($file)); foreach($json->vehicles as $vehicle) { if(isset($vehicle->isDeleted) && $vehicle->isDeleted) continue; if(!isset($vehicle->tripId) || !$vehicle->tripId) continue; if(!isset($vehicle->name) || !$vehicle->name) continue; if(!isset($vehicle->latitude) || !$vehicle->latitude) continue; if(!isset($vehicle->longitude) || !$vehicle->longitude) continue; foreach($this->specialNames as $name) { if(substr($vehicle->name, -strlen($name)) == $name) { continue; } } $this->jsonTrips[(int)$vehicle->tripId] = [ 'id' => $vehicle->id, 'latitude' => (float)$vehicle->latitude / 3600000.0, 'longitude' => (float)$vehicle->longitude / 3600000.0, ]; } ksort($this->jsonTrips); } public function loadGTFS($file) { $data = file_get_contents($file); $feed = new FeedMessage(); $feed->parse($data); foreach ($feed->getEntityList() as $entity) { $vehiclePosition = $entity->getVehicle(); $position = $vehiclePosition->getPosition(); $vehicle = $vehiclePosition->getVehicle(); $trip = $vehiclePosition->getTrip(); $tripId = $trip->getTripId(); $this->gtfsTrips[self::convertTripId($tripId)] = [ 'id' => $entity->getId(), 'num' => $vehicle->getLicensePlate(), 'tripId' => $tripId, 'latitude' => $position->getLatitude(), 'longitude' => $position->getLongitude(), ]; } ksort($this->gtfsTrips); } public function findOffset() { if(count($this->jsonTrips) == 0 || count($this->gtfsTrips) == 0) { return NULL; } $jsonTripIds = array_keys($this->jsonTrips); $gtfsTripIds = array_keys($this->gtfsTrips); $possibleOffsets = []; for($i = 0; $i < count($this->jsonTrips); $i++) { for($j = 0; $j < count($this->gtfsTrips); $j++) { $possibleOffsets[$jsonTripIds[$i] - $gtfsTripIds[$j]] = TRUE; } } $possibleOffsets = array_keys($possibleOffsets); $bestOffset = 0; $maxMatched = 0; $options = 0; foreach($possibleOffsets as $offset) { $matched = 0; foreach($gtfsTripIds as $tripId) { $tripId += $offset; if(isset($this->jsonTrips[$tripId])) { $matched++; } } if($matched > $maxMatched) { $bestOffset = $offset; $maxMatched = $matched; $options = 1; } elseif($matched == $maxMatched) { $options++; } } if($options != 1) { throw new Exception('Found '.$options.' possible mappings!'); } return $bestOffset; } public function getMapping($offset) { $result = []; foreach($this->gtfsTrips as $gtfsTripId => $gtfsTrip) { $jsonTripId = $gtfsTripId + $offset; if(isset($this->jsonTrips[$jsonTripId])) { $data = numToTypeB($gtfsTrip['id']); $num = $gtfsTrip['num']; if(!is_array($data) || !isset($data['num'])) { $data = [ 'num' => $num, 'low' => 2, ]; } elseif($data['num'] != $num) { // Ignore due to incorrect depot markings in the data //$this->logger->warn('Got '.$num.', database has '.$data['num']); } $result[$this->jsonTrips[$jsonTripId]['id']] = $data; } } return $result; } } lib/vehicle_types.php
New file @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ <?php function numToType($id, $data, $defaultLow=NULL) { $data = explode("\n", trim($data)); foreach($data as $line) { $line = explode("\t", trim($line)); if((int)$line[0] <= (int)$id && (int)$id <= (int)$line[1]) { return [ 'num' => $line[2] . str_pad($id, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 'type' => $line[3], 'low' => isset($line[4]) ? $line[4] : $defaultLow, ]; } } return []; } function numToTypeT($id) { $data = <<<'END' 101 107 HW E1 0 108 113 RW E1 0 114 126 HW E1 0 127 127 RW E1 0 128 130 HW E1 0 131 132 RW E1 0 133 133 HW E1 0 134 134 RW E1 0 135 136 HW E1 0 137 139 RW E1 0 140 147 HW E1 0 148 150 RW E1 0 151 152 HW E1 0 153 153 RW E1 0 154 154 HW E1 0 155 155 RW E1 0 156 158 HW E1 0 159 159 RW E1 0 160 174 HW E1 0 201 245 RZ 105N 0 246 299 HZ 105N 0 301 312 RF GT8S 0 313 313 RF GT8C 1 314 322 RF GT8S 0 323 323 RF GT8N 1 324 324 RF GT8S 0 325 328 RF GT8N 1 401 440 HL EU8N 1 451 456 HK N8C-NF 0 457 461 HK N8S-NF 1 462 462 HK N8C-NF 0 601 614 RP NGT6 (1) 2 615 626 RP NGT6 (2) 2 627 650 RP NGT6 (3) 2 801 824 RY NGT8 2 899 899 RY 126N 2 901 914 RG 2014N 2 915 936 HG 2014N 2 999 999 HG 405N 1 END; return numToType($id, $data); } function numToTypeB($id) { $data = <<<'END' 2 4 DN Solaris Urbino 18 IV Electric 71 83 BH Solaris Urbino 18 III Hybrid 84 96 BH Volvo 7900A Hybrid 103 105 PA Mercedes-Benz 516 106 112 DA Autosan M09LE 113 121 BA Autosan M09LE 122 128 DA Autosan M09LE 129 139 BA Autosan M09LE 141 146 PM MAN NL283 Lion's City 200 200 DO Mercedes Conecto 206 210 PO Mercedes O530 C2 Hybrid 211 218 DO Mercedes O530 219 243 PO Mercedes O530 C2 Hybrid 244 269 DO Mercedes O530 C2 270 299 BO Mercedes O530 C2 301 338 DU Solaris Urbino 12 IV 339 340 BU Solaris Urbino 12 IV 341 345 DU Solaris Urbino 12 III 400 403 BH Solaris Urbino 12,9 III Hybrid 404 408 DH Solaris Urbino 12,9 III Hybrid 501 510 BR Solaris Urbino 18 IV 511 568 DR Solaris Urbino 18 IV 569 579 BR Solaris Urbino 18 IV 580 595 DR Solaris Urbino 18 IV 601 601 DE Solaris Urbino 12 III Electric 602 605 DE Solaris Urbino 8,9LE Electric 606 606 DE Solaris Urbino 12 III Electric 607 623 DE Solaris Urbino 12 IV Electric 700 700 DC Mercedes Conecto G 701 731 DC Mercedes O530G 732 732 DC Mercedes Conecto G 737 741 BR Solaris Urbino 18 III 742 745 DR Solaris Urbino 18 III 746 764 PR Solaris Urbino 18 III 765 768 DR Solaris Urbino 18 III 769 776 PR Solaris Urbino 18 MetroStyle 777 777 DR Solaris Urbino 18 III 778 797 PR Solaris Urbino 18 IV 851 903 BU Solaris Urbino 12 III 904 905 DU Solaris Urbino 12 III 906 926 BU Solaris Urbino 12 III 927 976 PU Solaris Urbino 12 III 977 977 DU Solaris Urbino 12 III 978 991 PU Solaris Urbino 12 IV 992 997 BU Solaris Urbino 12 IV END; return numToType($id, $data, 2); } parse.php
@@ -1,142 +1,45 @@ <?php require('vendor/autoload.php'); require('common.php'); require_once(__DIR__.'/lib/fetch.php'); require_once(__DIR__.'/lib/mapper.php'); use transit_realtime\FeedMessage; $logger = new Monolog\Logger('Parse changes'); class IdMapper { private $jsonTrips = []; private $gtfsTrips = []; private $specialNames = [ 'Zjazd do zajezdni', 'Przejazd techniczny', 'Wyjazd na trasÄ™', $sources = [ 'buses' => [ 'gtfs' => '', 'gtfs_file' => 'VehiclePositions_A.pb', 'ttss' => '', 'ttss_file' => 'vehicles_A.json', ], ]; public static function convertTripId($tripId) { $tripId = explode('_', $tripId); if($tripId[0] != 'block') return; if($tripId[2] != 'trip') return; return 4096 * (int)$tripId[1] + (int)$tripId[3]; } public function loadJson($file) { $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($file)); foreach($json->vehicles as $vehicle) { if(isset($vehicle->isDeleted) && $vehicle->isDeleted) continue; if(!isset($vehicle->tripId) || !$vehicle->tripId) continue; if(!isset($vehicle->name) || !$vehicle->name) continue; if(!isset($vehicle->latitude) || !$vehicle->latitude) continue; if(!isset($vehicle->longitude) || !$vehicle->longitude) continue; foreach($this->specialNames as $name) { if(substr($vehicle->name, -strlen($name)) == $name) { foreach($sources as $name => $source) { $logger = new Monolog\Logger('fetch_'.$name); try { $logger->info('Fetching '.$name.' position data from FTP...'); $updated = ftp_fetch_if_newer($source['gtfs'], __DIR__.'/data/'.$source['gtfs_file']); if(!$updated) { $logger->info('Nothing to do, remote file not newer than local one'); continue; } } $this->jsonTrips[(int)$vehicle->tripId] = [ 'id' => $vehicle->id, 'latitude' => (float)$vehicle->latitude / 3600000.0, 'longitude' => (float)$vehicle->longitude / 3600000.0, ]; } ksort($this->jsonTrips); } public function loadGtfs($file) { $data = file_get_contents($file); $feed = new FeedMessage(); $feed->parse($data); foreach ($feed->getEntityList() as $entity) { $vehiclePosition = $entity->getVehicle(); $position = $vehiclePosition->getPosition(); $vehicle = $vehiclePosition->getVehicle(); $trip = $vehiclePosition->getTrip(); $tripId = $trip->getTripId(); $this->gtfsTrips[self::convertTripId($tripId)] = [ 'id' => $entity->getId(), 'num' => $vehicle->getLicensePlate(), 'tripId' => $tripId, 'latitude' => $position->getLatitude(), 'longitude' => $position->getLongitude(), ]; } ksort($this->gtfsTrips); } $logger->info('Fetching '.$name.' positions from TTSS...'); fetch($source['ttss'], __DIR__.'/data/'.$source['ttss_file']); public function findOffset() { if(count($this->jsonTrips) == 0 || count($this->gtfsTrips) == 0) { return NULL; } $logger->info('Loading data...'); $mapper = new Mapper(); $mapper->loadTTSS(__DIR__.'/data/'.$source['ttss_file']); $mapper->loadGTFS(__DIR__.'/data/'.$source['gtfs_file']); $jsonTripIds = array_keys($this->jsonTrips); $gtfsTripIds = array_keys($this->gtfsTrips); $possibleOffsets = []; for($i = 0; $i < count($this->jsonTrips); $i++) { for($j = 0; $j < count($this->gtfsTrips); $j++) { $possibleOffsets[$jsonTripIds[$i] - $gtfsTripIds[$j]] = TRUE; } } $possibleOffsets = array_keys($possibleOffsets); $bestOffset = 0; $maxMatched = 0; $options = 0; foreach($possibleOffsets as $offset) { $matched = 0; foreach($gtfsTripIds as $tripId) { $tripId += $offset; if(isset($this->jsonTrips[$tripId])) { $matched++; } } if($matched > $maxMatched) { $bestOffset = $offset; $maxMatched = $matched; $options = 1; } elseif($matched == $maxMatched) { $options++; } } if($options != 1) { fwrite(STDERR, 'Found '.$options.' possible mappings!'."\n"); return FALSE; } return $bestOffset; } public function getMapping($offset) { $result = []; foreach($this->gtfsTrips as $gtfsTripId => $gtfsTrip) { $jsonTripId = $gtfsTripId + $offset; if(isset($this->jsonTrips[$jsonTripId])) { $data = numToTypeB($gtfsTrip['id']); $num = $gtfsTrip['num']; if(!is_array($data) || !isset($data['num'])) { $data = [ 'num' => $num, 'low' => 2, ]; } elseif($data['num'] != $num) { // Ignore due to incorrect depot markings in the data //fwrite(STDERR, 'Got '.$num.', database has '.$data['num']."\n"); } $result[$this->jsonTrips[$jsonTripId]['id']] = $data; } } return $result; } } $mapper = new IdMapper(); $mapper->loadJson('./data/vehicles_A.json'); $mapper->loadGtfs('./data/VehiclePositions_A.pb'); $logger->info('Finding correct offset...'); $offset = $mapper->findOffset(); if($offset) { echo json_encode($mapper->getMapping($offset)); $logger->info('Got offset '.$offset.', creating mapping...'); $mapping = $mapper->getMapping($offset); echo json_encode($mapping); } $logger->info('Finished'); } catch(Throwable $e) { $logger->error($e->getMessage(), ['exception' => $e, 'exception_string' => (string)$e]); } }
File was deleted